

The Soul and its Paths, in the Ground and Water. The Soul and its expressions... in the Human Face

(with the support of local Photos Studios for posing analysis)

Read more: The Portrait

The Water of my Soul seeps in the depths of the World it cross,

blending itself with the Soil this World is made up

Even the stones reach the point of melting and start powerfully to bloom in a new life

Read more: Of Soil and Water


The Water initially captured in its shapes, colors and semblances best-known.

Suddenly the gaze gets closer and the point of view becomes the one of who, dipped in the water,

is crossing a stream.

Or the one of who is flying low, along the Paths of the Water.


Read more: Paths of the Water

The eternal ice, eternal as the memory is,
where all the story of my life is wrapped inside,

memory which like ice slowly melt itself
the reminescences resurface

Read more: Ice Paths


L’acqua inizialmente colta nelle forme, nei colori e nelle sembianze più conosciute.

In seguito lo sguardo si avvicina e il punto di vista è di colui che , immerso nell’acqua,

attraversa un ruscello.

Oppure di chi compie dei voli radenti, lungo i percorsi dell’acqua.

Read more: Paths of Water